“Price Is Right” rule. Camping is great because you lose track of time. With 4:30 sunsets (#GoldenHour) you fall asleep early and wake when you please. I think this is because all screens are out of service, out of country or dead. But sometimes you camp with that one asshole who has a working phone. They check the football score every 15, and then tell you the time even though you didn't ask. Therefore, breaking your timeless zen state. In this scenario my favourite game to play is “Guess What Time It Is!” Right before he tells you the time, everyone takes a stab at the current time. Closest to the time wins!
Sorry guys, but the #GoldenHour is a hoax. The real secret is to wait for the sunset to disappear. Then you’ve got about 15 minutes of drastically changing, super soft, natural, @Gucci, light that will light your model like an angel. When you combine the race against time and the excitement of a nude body, that’s when the magic happens. But, the real, real secret, is to learn how to shoot in all lighting scenarios...
Yeap, no waves here...
White Flag.
Have you ever played the game #RoseAndThorn? Every weekend after a #camping/ #surftrip we all say ''rose and thorn'' like a hundred times, then one at a time we share our shittiest moment of the trip and the best one. So, I'll got first! My Thorn of the trip was leaving the beach just as the waves were getting jumbo and clean. My Rose of the trip was super gluing a loonie (Candadian $1 coin) to the floor of the ferry and watching people fail to pick it up.
I'm very excited to be shooting colour film again. Trying to find my niche with new film companies is always exploratory. 35mm bxw with natural light will always be my favourite to shoot, but it's good to bounce around to learn something new or old, even if it's digital once in a while... Video is my next big shift!