Kayaking, fishing and camping. Slow, boring, yet so rewarding. I will say, that tippy ass boat sure makes salmon fishing a whole lot more exciting!
Self Portait: Jesus Fish
At the time I was living in a trailer, at a campground, in Tofino, in 2010. The night before this was taken, I got naked in the parking lot while putting my wetsuit on. I did it in front of a carload of girls who were clearly spying on the boys and I. Everyone got a good crack out of it. Then they sped off in there civics. When we came back from the surf I noticed they'd left a note on my car with their number on it. I called them, or probably got someone else to, and invited them to my place for a campfire. They came. Later that night we'd had a few too many pops, and I thought that'd be a good time to win a girl over. So I grabbed a wiener roasting stick and bent the two prongs across each and made a Jesus Fish symbol. I had the girls pin me down on the ground. One on each arm, and one on each leg. I had my pants at me knees. Then I waited for my pal Bob to pull the metal prongs out of the yellow coals.
Then he branded my ass.
Then the girls went home.
Then I went to the doctor.
Then I couldn't surf for two weeks...