The scars became the lessons, but I only got love for you now.
By now I had stopped what I was doing, grabbed my notepad and replayed the passage Natalie left on my voicemail. "For the first time in human history, we are faced with real, tangible threats to the existence of our planet, our earthly body. We find ourselves asking questions just like the mother of an anorexic: “How could things have gotten so out of control?” How could we have ignored, for so long, the symptoms and cries of this beautiful body? How can we now, after so many wounds and scars and toxins have been dumped into the blood and air and tissue of this earth, turn it around? Is it even possible to change the ingrained beliefs and behaviors from unconscious, destructive, and life threatening conscious, creative, and life affirming? Can we come out of denial and realize that our lives depend on it?" (It’s Not About Food- by Carol Normandi)
Part of our Running On Empty story.
“I was really good at running and eventually the love for it was lost when all I focused on was training and being the best yet I wasn't fueling myself properly so it was like running on empty or hitting a brick wall in a way. I was my own worst enemy by not having realistic goals or a sense of balance and what happiness was for ME not anyone else (coaches, parents, teachers, etc.) The first time I was told to lose 5 or so pounds was in grade 9 and that was the first time that had been said by a coach, I used that as permission to keep a certain size because it was for my "sport.””
Shot for "Running On Empty"
Running On Empty: CONFIDENTIAL
In her hand Natalie held a file that read “CONFIDENTIAL” with three asterisks flanking each side of the bold lettering, indicating it’s weight. Below it read “Children's & Women's Health Centre Of British Columbia” She continued reading out loud, the notes the Nurse Clinician had written her ten years ago when she was first enlisted into the Youth Health Program.
From the "Running On Empty" story.
Running On Empty
It is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (#NEDAwareness), so a friend Natalie and I would like to share her intimate recovery story on bulimia nervosa over the next few days. We’ve been working together for many months now- going for coffee, talking on the phone, photographing on multiple occasion, and exchanging countless emails- in order to get this right. Natalie use to battle her own pressure for perfection with resistance, yet it was her passive mindful meditation that would give her the tools to start living a healthy life again. But it didn’t come easy.
From the "Running On Empty" story.
A bad combination of fear and addiction.
Fuck my roots... Is death slowly growing or is growth slowly dying? I'm living too fast with my skin the past. Rebirth, Rebirth, time to climb down.
Here I am, shining like a bottle.
Here I am, hiding from the bottle.
Woke up alone.
Dancing demon or goddess?
Ryan Muirhead
Have you ever called up the guy or girl who's several paces ahead of you in your career path in order to gain insight? I met up with one of my favorite photographers Ryan Muirhead Photography and had one of the heaviest draw dropping conversations on life and art and how deeply integrated they are for him. Here's Ryan with his favorite Leica, at home in his backyard in Portland, Oregon.
Now that we are lonely.
Instagram @alexguiry
Take a look at my everyday encounters. Like when I got hit by a car on my skateboard?!